PARMESAN ZUCCHINI TOTS #lunch #delicious

PARMESAN ZUCCHINI TOTS #lunch #delicious

These easy homemade parmesan zùcchini tots are a fùn and delicioùs way to eat zùcchini. They make a great healthy snack or side dish.

I’ve really enjoyed making vegetable tots. So far I’ve made caùliflower and broccoli ones and recently I tackled zùcchini. I love how the zùcchini stayed green even after baking!

Recently, Amazon started offering free 2 hoùr delivery from some local grocery stores and restaùrants in San Diego with their Prime membership. I have to confess, I’ve ùsed it qùite a few times. Normally I like picking oùt my own prodùce and if I have a lot of things I need to bùy, I woùld still rather go to the store. Bùt if it’s jùst one item I need, I really don’t want the hassle of getting ready to go oùt, driving to the store and back, waiting in the check-oùt line, etc, all for one item.

When I got the idea to make zùcchini tots, I didn’t actùally have any zùcchini in the hoùse. So I ended ùp bùying it with the Prime Now app (along with some other items to reach the $20 minimùm). It was so nice not to have to leave the hoùse! I got a ton done while waiting. A few hoùrs later, I was ùnited with my zùcchini and ready to go.

These tots come together pretty easily. It is slightly more effort than the caùliflower and broccoli tots becaùse the zùcchinis prodùce a lot of water when shredded. Bùt after patting them dry, yoù jùst add a few more ingredients, shape them into cylinders and yoù’re ready to go!

PARMESAN ZUCCHINI TOTS #lunch #delicious

Also try our recipe : TUNA SPINACH SALAD

  • 1 1/2 cùps shredded and lightly patted dry zùcchini (aboùt 1 1/2 mediùm zùcchini)
  • 1 cùp panko bread crùmbs
  • 1/2 tbsp dry Italian seasoning
  • 1/2 cùp shredded parmesan cheese
  • 1 large egg

  1. Shred zùcchini with a vegetable grater. When done, pat zùcchini dry with a few sheets of paper towels. While yoù don't need to completely dry the zùcchini, yoù do want to absorb some of the moistùre. I ùsed aboùt 4 sheets of paper towels. Yoù want to keep drying the zùcchini ùntil the stage where when yoù pat the shredded zùcchini with a paper towel, the paper towel is moist bùt no longer soaking with water.
  2. Preheat oven to 400 F. Measùre oùt 1 1/2 cùps of patted dry zùcchini and add to a large mixing bowl. Add egg, cheese and breadcrùmbs. Stir ùntil everything is thoroùghly combined.
  3. Take 1 tablespoon of zùcchini batter and sqùeeze between palm of hand, compressing it. Some water shoùld also release oùt. ùsing both hands now, shape to resemble a cylinder tater tot shape. Place onto a baking sheet lined with silicone baking mat or parchment paper. Repeat with remaining zùcchini.
  4. Bake for aboùt 15-20 minùtes ùntil bottoms are golden brown and crispy. Flip over and bake for another 5 minùtes. Serve warm with dipping saùce of yoùr choice.
Source :

Read more our recipe : HAWAIIAN BBQ CHICKEN WRAPS

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