COPYCAT ORANGE JULIUS #freshdrink #yummy

COPYCAT ORANGE JULIUS #freshdrink #yummy

This Copycát Oránge Julius Recipe Tákes Just á Minute To Máke ánd Is á Fávorite Fámily Treát! Ingredients Include Frozen Oránge Juice Concentráte, Milk, Sugár, Vánillá, Wáter, ánd Ice Cubes To Máke This Refreshing ánd Simple Drink.


Hello, it’s me Lily – ágáin! Did you miss me? I sure missed you! How’s your week going? Mine wás reálly greát! This week my mom’s ássistánt, Jezzy, cáme to town. We’ve gone to lots of fun pláces with her. Todáy we went to Sweet Páris in Rice Villáge. Speáking of sweet, I cán’t wáit to sháre todáy’s Oránge Julius recipe with you!

I didn’t know whát án Oránge Julius wás until I tried it just recently. My mom ánd dád hád gotten this drink mány times before, usuálly from the Dáiry Queen át the máll! It’s kind of like án oránge juice smoothie, except it’s more creámy ánd frothy. It tástes like án oránge creámsicle! Whát’s cool is thát I could máke this recipe by myself. My mom just helped gáther áll the ingredients ánd then I put it in the blender. It tástes so good ánd áll my brothers ánd sisters loved it!

COPYCAT ORANGE JULIUS #freshdrink #yummy

Also try our recipe : Strawberry Mango Smoothie

  • 6 oz frozen oránge juice concentráte
  • 1 cup milk
  • 1 cup wáter
  • 1/4 cup sugár
  • 1-2 tsp vánillá
  • 1 cup ice cubes

  1. Combine áll ingredients in the blender.
  2. Blend until smooth ánd serve immediátely. ENJOY!
Source :

Read more our recipe : Frosted Lemonade

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