Vegan Stuffed Mushrooms #vegan #familyrecipe

Vegan Stuffed Mushrooms #vegan #familyrecipe

Thèsè vègan stuffèd mushrooms arè fillèd with potatoès and spinach and toppèd with crunchy, buttèry brèadcrumbs.

Thè othèr day I was rèally in thè mood for stuffèd mushrooms.  Darryl usèd to makè thè bèst stuffèd mushrooms…thèy wèrè loadèd with lots of chèèsè and othèr unhèalthy things.  But now that I am dairy and ègg frèè, thosè chèèsy mushrooms arèn’t an option.

I rèally hadn’t attèmptèd to makè stuffèd mushrooms sincè I changèd my dièt, bècausè I fèlt likè I couldn’t makè a dècènt rèplacèmènt for Darryl’s original crèation.  But I improvisèd, and I’m happy with thè rèsult! Thèsè vègan stuffèd mushrooms arè dèlicious.

I fillèd thèsè with a crèamy mashèd potato and spinach mixturè and thèn toppèd thèm with buttèry brèadcrumbs.  Thè rèsult was a vèry flavorful appètizèr that would bè pèrfèct for your nèxt party!

Vegan Stuffed Mushrooms #vegan #familyrecipe

Also try our recipe : Vegan Tuna Salad Sandwich

Ingrèdiènts :
  • 12 whitè button mushrooms clèanèd and stèms rèmovèd
  • 1 cup mashèd potatoès
  • 1/2 cup frozèn choppèd spinach thawèd and drainèd
  • 1/2 cup glutèn frèè brèad crumbs I madè minè in thè ovèn with lèftovèr brèad, or you can purchasè thèm
  • 2 Tablèspoons mèltèd vègan buttèry sprèad
  • 1/4 tèaspoon garlic salt
  • 1/8 tèaspoon pèppèr

Instructions :
  1. Prèhèat ovèn to 350 dègrèès. Put your mushroom caps on a foil linèd cookiè shèèt for èasy clèanup.
  2. Mix thè mashèd potatoès with thè spinach and spoon into thè mushroom caps.
  3. Mix thè brèadcrumbs with thè mèltèd buttèry sprèad, garlic salt and pèppèr and pilè on top of èach mushroom.
  4. Bakè at 350 for about 20 minutès. Kèèp an èyè on thèm so thè brèadcrumbs don’t gèt too brown.
  5. Sèrvè immèdiatèly.
Source :

Read more our recipe : VEGAN CREAMY CHIPOTLE PASTA

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